by definition n. 1. any of several old world plants cultivated for their brightly colored flowers. 2. Eurasian plant with pink to purple spice scented usually doubled flowers; widely cultivated in many varieties and many colors.

Friday, May 6, 2011

all dressed up and no where to go

We collect vintage aprons with every intent to make something great out of them.
While they wait,
we figured the window might like to wear them.
The kitchen window is just a bit too wide in my opinion, but you get the idea.
If you do have a wider window,
 it would be easy to just cut the apron strings off at the ends,
slide a tension rod through as many as you need, 
and hang!
No sew!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

bored sick


you would think that with a fever she'd want to rest, but no.
so I put her to work building trees out of...
wooden spools
and beads

blocks are best

my kids still love blocks,
 and the place they love playing them the most is on the deck.
we keep a crate of "outside" blocks and animals out there all summer.